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Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2007
Memorial Town Hall

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Martha Waite, Mark Johnson, Mary Ricker

OTHERS PRESENT:          Joyce Crouse, Agent, Randy Mizereck, Consultant,
                                           Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

The Board of Health Meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM


1397 Wachusett St:  Mark Santora, MSPE Inc. for Thomas Sims, repair, using of Presby System.  Two lots under same ownership, with two houses on the one parcel.
Cesspool must be properly dismantled.
Intake vent must be higher than exhaust vent.  Needs letter from installer.
Lot lines need to be flagged.
Needs third party inspection.


Danielle Friend:  Review of proposed placement of two dog waste stations at Davis Hill School athletic field.  She would be willing to finance starting with David Hill School.  The cost being about $600 for each unit, and refill of 400 bags.  A Sign comes with the disposal unit.  DPW is not in favor of this, and approval from the Recreation Dept. for disposal would be needed.  Taken under advisement from the Board.


Fisher Road, Lot 4:  Wachusett Environmental, Lew Reed for Thanh Nguyen, new construction.  The applicant submitted revised plans for approval.
Needs two additional holes before construction per Title 5.
Magnetic tape needed on all system components.
Flag SAS.
M. Johnson motioned to approve with conditions #1 – 3.  M. Waite seconded, all in favor.  Approved

FAILED SEPTIC SYSTEMS: Update by Jim Morin of Holden Sanitation regarding the progress of 20 North Street, 450 Sterling Road, and 786 Princeton Street.

20 North St:  J. Morin did more sand sampling which did not pass, and will be replaced.  Testing done by Yankee Engineering. The system has been pumped.  The system will be replaced by June 23, 2007, when order was extended to.  Another extension to July 1, 2007 using newer infiltrator chambers.  An As-built plan is needed after the system is installed.

450 Sterling Rd:  The first three rows of chambers were uncovered.  J. Morin stated that the owner drove over the chambers, and the system collapsed.  As he dug, more collapses were revealed.  They have been repaired.  He did not backfill the D-Box.  J. Crouse never got a call to inspect the system before it was covered.  J. Morin informed the Board that Kenny’s conversation with J. Crouse was different than J. Crouse is claiming.  R. Mizereck recommended exposing the system, and J. Morin agreed to expose the end of the system with a small backhoe. The homeowner may have taken pictures that the Board can review.  R. Mizereck will meet J. Morin on-site on Wednesday, 9 AM.

786 Princeton St:  The system has been pumped a couple times, but has not been smoke tested yet.  The order expires June 23rd.  The system needs pumping about once a month, and needs a smoke test that is environmentally safe.  M. Waite recommended not extending the order until a written plan of action is submitted to J. Crouse, along with a pumping schedule for every two weeks.  The order is going to expire.  Owner will be sent a letter regarding correcting the system, and pumping every two weeks.


547 Quinapoxet St:  The tenant called to say that his foot fell through the cesspool cover. J. Morin was contacted to do the repair May 15, 2007, the house was vacated.  No permit was taken out for the repairs.  J. Morin stated that he spoke with J. Crouse who told him to go forward with the repair.  There is a well 68’ from the system.  This is a nitrogen sensitive area.  There is a well on Mill St. property, within 200’.  J. Morin threatened to hire an attorney, claiming he did exactly what J. Crouse asked him to do.  M. Waite asked for all communications to be in writing from now on.  J. Morin recommended having the well water tested once a year.  There needs to be a deed restriction for two bedrooms.  Tabled and taken under advisement.

Jim Malley, P.E.:  Independent consultant for LBOH’s addressed the Board regarding revisions to Town of Holden By law for septic systems, which are separate from State.  He works for the Board of Health for seven towns.  Used Charlton as one example.

Performance Bonds:  R. Mizerek discussed performance bonds with the Board.

Chapin Rd, Lot 2:  L.A.M. Builders is requesting an extension of approved septic plan, dated April 26, 2004.  Board denied due to receiving the request after the expiration date of April 26, 2004.

21 Brewer Way:  Bay State Pump Co., Inc. submitted an application for installation of a private well since the well went dry on the property.  The septic system needs to be located and staked.  The Board is requesting a complete set of engineered plans.

Casella Waste Services:  Discussion of flyer to be updated.

Medical Reserve Corp:  Orientation on June 25, 2007, from 6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., to be held at the Senior Center on 1136 Main Street for Licensed medical professionals.  The information will be put on the Town website.

Meeting Minutes:
April 9, 2007:  M. Johnson motioned to approve.  M. Ricker seconded.  Approved.

May 7, 2007:  M. Johnson motioned to approve.  M. Ricker seconded.  M. Johnson amended the motioned to add design-built systems should be reviewed by a third party, and the town adopt a regulation for approved engineer reviews.  M. Waite seconded the amendment.  All in favor, approved with changes.

Next Meeting:  July 23, 2007 at 5:00 PM.  Mary Ricker will be absent.

M. Waite motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting.  M. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:30 PM.

June 11, 2007 meeting minutes approved: October 22, 2007        

Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary